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Jesus Redeems Ministries Nalumavadi 628 211 phone(04639 353535)

Prayer Points

  • All Israel will be saved.” (Romans 11) Let us praise the Lord because the Lord has promised.
  • Let us praise the Lord for loving the land of Israel and the Jewish people and calling them His own people!
  • Let us praise the Lord for knowing the nation of Israel and the Jewish race to incarnate on this earth as the savior of the world in the name of ‘Jesus’ to remove the sin of the human race!
  • Let us praise the Lord for making the nation of Israel to be a symbol of the beginning of the world and its end!
  • Let us praise the Lord that Jesus Christ roamed all over this land doing good, suffered for the good of mankind, shed blood and died, was buried, and rose again on the third day.
  • As the Holy Spirit was poured out on this nation on the day of Pentecost, and the gospel of the Kingdom of God spread from this nation to the whole world, let us praise the Lord.
  • Let us praise the Lord because the feet of Jesus Christ are going to stand again on the Mount of Olives in this country.
  • Pray that the works of the devil and the unclean spirits working in the heavenly realms that work against the salvation of the Jews and against the awakening of the nation of Israel are destroyed.
  • Pray for the complete destruction of Satan’s forces that rise up against God’s plan for the nation of Israel.
  • Pray to destroy the evil deceiving spirits that are ruling the land from their posts in the land of Israel.
  • The Canaanite spirits that had worked in the past are reviving and trying to do things that are against the awakening of the nation. Anticipate them with prayer.
  • Pray for the destruction of all human works that the devil raises up to do things that defile the land.
  • Let us pray for the destruction of evil spirits that target the lives of young children and teenagers.
  • Let us pray that all the works of the devil to bring false teachings into the land of Israel will be destroyed
  • Pray for the anti-unionist rally to be stopped and the spirits that fuel it to be bound.
  • “…and all Israel shall be saved.” (Romans 11:26) Let us pray for the fulfillment of the scripture.
  • “…whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved;” (Joel 2:32) As it is written in the Holy Bible, let us pray that all the Jews who worship the Lord will be saved.
  • Let us pray that the unbelief of the Israelites will be removed and that they will have a heart that loves the Lord.
  • Let us pray that the blood of Jesus Christ washes and cleanses the Jews from sin.
  • Let us pray for all Jews to be freed from their traditional practices.
  • Let us plead and pray that the Lord will reveal Himself to the Jewish people as He revealed Himself to Saul.
  • (Romans 31:8-10) Pray for the curse to be lifted from Israel.
  • According to the scripture that says, “It is the Lord’s delight to bless Israel…” (Numbers 24:1), let us pray that the Lord bless the nation of Israel.
  • According to God’s word, ‘I will bless those who bless you…’ (Gen. 12:3), let us pray and bless the Jews who are the descendants of Abraham.
  • Let’s pray and bless all the borders of the land of Israel in God’s hand.
  • Let us pray and bless the economy, farmlands and water levels of the nation of Israel.
  • Let us bless and pray that the government implements good programs, especially for the welfare of the small children, so that the livelihoods of the people below the poverty line are blessed.
  • Let us pray that the Lord blesses the leaders who rule the country.
  • Let us bless and pray for peace, security and God’s rule in the land of Israel.
  • Pray that no danger comes from neighboring countries or extremist movements.
  • Let us pray for the   revival that was in the days of the early apostles, to be restored in the land of Israel.
  • Can I get tickets just for the High Holidays? us pray that the experience of the day of Pentecost, which happened in the time of the early apostles, will be repeated in the churches of that land.
  • Let us pray that the Lord will raise up children of God who are zealous for the Lord like Peter, John and Paul in the land of Israel.
  • Let us pray that the Spirit will reveal the secrets of the awakening vision of the nation of Israel.
  • Let us pray that the Lord will raise up the children of God who are standing in the opening for the awakening of the nation of Israel.
  • Pray for the wind of the Spirit to blow upon the 10 tribes that have lost their identity like dry bones scattered throughout the world, and they will return to their own land.
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